Document Library

The document library is where you can search for materials related to the planning of the Port Lands and the Port Lands Flood Protection project. This includes displays and presentations from public meetings. If you can’t find what you are looking for, email us.

Construction Notice #49 May 7, 2024

Find the latest information about what to expect from ongoing construction. Download the latest construction notice below.

Villiers Island Density Study Public Meeting Summary, June 2023

Read a summary of all the questions and answers from the most recent Public Information Centre.


  • Planning and Infrastructure Process 29/08/2012 View
  • Final Public Consultation Round 4 Attachments 08/08/2012 View
  • PLAI Final Public Consultation Round 3 Attachments 24/05/2012 View
  • Keating Channel Precinct West Zoning By-Law 07/11/2011 View
  • City of Toronto Staff Report for Council (Including Project Protocol) September 21, 2011 21/09/2011 View
  • Don Mouth Naturalization and Port Lands Flood Protection Environmental Assessment Executive Summary 13/09/2011 View
  • DMNP EA: Executive Summary 11/04/2011 View
  • DMNP EA: Table of Contents 11/04/2011 View
  • DMNP EA: Chapter 1: Introduction 11/04/2011 View
  • DMNP EA: Chapter 4: Description, Evaluation and Rationale for ‘Alternatives To’ the Undertaking 11/04/2011 View
  • DMNP EA: Chapter 5: Description, Evaluation and Rationale for ‘Alternative Methods’ of Carrying Out the Undetaking 11/04/2011 View
  • DMNP EA: Chapter 7: Step 5: Detailed Assessment of the Preferred Alternative 11/04/2011 View
  • DMNP EA: Chapter 8: Monitoring and Adaptive Environmental Management 11/04/2011 View
  • DMNP EA: Chapter 2: Purpose of Undertaking 17/12/2010 View
  • DMNP EA: Chapter 3: Description of the Potentially Affected Environment 17/12/2010 View
  • DMNP EA: Chapter 6: Description of the Preferred Alternative 17/12/2010 View
  • DMNP EA: Chapter 9: EA Amendment Proces 17/12/2010 View
  • DMNP EA: Chapter 11: Advantages and Disadvantages 17/12/2010 View
  • DMNP EA: Report Cover 17/12/2010 View
  • DMNP EA: Executive Summary 17/12/2010 View