Document Library

The document library is where you can search for materials related to the planning of the Port Lands and the Port Lands Flood Protection project. This includes displays and presentations from public meetings. If you can’t find what you are looking for, email us.

Construction Notice #49 May 7, 2024

Find the latest information about what to expect from ongoing construction. Download the latest construction notice below.

Villiers Island Density Study Public Meeting Summary, June 2023

Read a summary of all the questions and answers from the most recent Public Information Centre.


  • Waterfront Toronto Villiers Island Precinct Plan Climate Positive Assessment Report 15/06/2017 View
  • Waterfront Toronto Annual Report – 2016/17 13/06/2017 View
  • Board Item 12b – Capital Approval – Cherry Street Stormwater and Lakefilling Project 13/06/2017 View
  • Waterfront Toronto -Town Hall Presentation 06/06/2017 View
  • Item 8.3c – Cherry Street Stormwater and Lakefilling Project Cost Management Report 01/06/2017 View
  • Item 9b – Capital Approval – Cherry Street Stormwater and Lakefilling Project 01/06/2017 View
  • Design Review Panel Meeting Presentation – Tommy Thompson Park Park Entrance Development Project (Draft) 17/05/2017 View
  • Design ReviewPanel Meeting Minutes 17/05/2017 View
  • Design Review Panel Meeting Agenda 17/05/2017 View
  • Design Review Panel Presentation – Port Lands Planning Framework (DRAFT) 19/04/2017 View
  • Design Review Panel Presentation – Villiers Island Precinct Plan (DRAFT) 19/04/2017 View
  • Design Review Panel Presentation – Cherry Street Lakefilling Project (DRAFT) 19/04/2017 View
  • Design Review Panel Meeting Minutes 19/04/2017 View
  • Presentation – Villiers Island Precinct Plan 29/03/2017 View
  • Presentation – Port Lands Planning Framework + Villiers Island Precinct Plan 29/03/2017 View
  • Port Lands Planning Framework and Port Lands and South of Eastern Municipal Class EA LUAC #5 – Meeting Summary 29/03/2017 View
  • City of Toronto – Draft Official Plan Amendment for the Port Lands 28/03/2017 View
  • Board Item 5 – Port Lands Flood Protection and Enabling Infrastructure – Schematic Design and Environmental Approvals 27/03/2017 View
  • Board Item 6 – Cherry Street Stormwater and Lakefilling Contracting Strategy 27/03/2017 View
  • Item 7c3 – Port Lands Flood Protection and Enabling Infrastructure Project Update 09/03/2017 View